I’ve heard people say it was God’s will when tragic happenings like losses in business, the demise of a loved one, sickness etc came their way. And because of this mind, they live expecting God to bring upon them both good and evil. However, God’s mind and doing towards man are way different.
For example in our theme scripture, God reveals to us that when men gathered against us, when sickness came our way when we lost loved ones; he wasn’t the mastermind behind the attack. And for that reason, He assures us of victory over such attacks and circumstances having given us the authority to condemn each tongue that rises against us in judgement.[Isaiah 54:17]. In other words, God only orchestrates the good to come our way; But if at all evil should show up, he always causes it to work out for our Good because we love him and are called according to his will and purpose. [Romans 8:28]
God’s thoughts and plans concerning your life are not thoughts or plans of evil but rather of prosperity to give you the very end you expected; Choose to only expect him to do you good all the days of your life. Praise God!
Further study: James 1:12-13 [KJV]
Prayer and confession:
I thank you, Lord, for another beautiful day of my life. I expect to see your goodness and blessing today. I am confident in you for a dwelling knowing you never and neither will you ever purpose evil and destruction of my life, loved ones and property. I honour and trust you lord above all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.